Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Babe! :)

Yesterday was Matt and I's second anniversary... and I HAVE to say, I am so lucky to be able to call him my husband... He is my best friend, and I can ALWAYS count on him for anything that I need. Granted, its not always easy, I know that we can make it through anything. The last two years has been life changing for both of us, and I love it! :) We have been able to depend on each other, need each other, want each other, and simply enjoy each other without the distraction of our old friends or family, we have learned to lived together and to appreciate each other for the people that we have grown to be. It is very exciting that Matt and I FIRST dated a little over 6 years ago, and even after all this time, we STILL love each other and can grow together.

I can't wait for Matt to come home from Japan, but for now I'm just enjoying him... he's still here right now, he was supposed to leave a couple days ago, but he extended his leave until Sept. 15 so we get an extra 3 weeks!

Ah, this last 2 years flew by, and I hope the next two do, too. When Matt comes home we will be married for FOUR years, COLY COW :)

I love you, Matthew! Thanks for bein' the best!

And last but not least, my favorite wedding picture... just for the sake of posting it!

Monday, August 9, 2010


2010 has brought in a whole handful of surprises for us... We found out that Matt is being stationed in Atsugi, Japan for a little over two years... And I can't go with him. His orders are unaccompanied, meaning no dependents can go, we decided that it would be best if I moved back to Buckeye, to try to make this journey a little bit easier on me. I loved my job in Hanford, and had a lot of friends, but nothing compares to being close to the people that I grew up with, and I can't stand being away from my family.

I moved home a couple weeks ago, I got here on July 22nd. I am living downtown, and absolutely love it. The house is tiny, just 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom... perfect for our situation. JC is going to school and will live in the 2nd bedroom, when he isn't on campus, which has been awesome so far because he's always there to keep me company!

I thought that the transition to living back at home would be very easy and exciting... but I've noticed that because Matt is not here yet that it feels lonely, and even though my best friend and my family is here, I long to be near him. I've even found myself feeling slightly jealous that he is still in Lemoore, and then I find myself almost jealous of Emma and Richie because they've been able to spend the last two weeks with him (that is where Matt has been staying) and I haven't. I never thought that I would be anything but HAPPY to be home, but its been kind of an emotional roller coaster, with extreme happy feelings, and extreme sad feelings. I love being here, but I with that Matt was with me, and I wish I didn't have to face him leaving. Two years is a really REALLY long time, and we don't know when or IF he'll even be able to come home during this time. I am hoping that I will be able to travel to Japan and visit him while he is on shore, but who knows when that will be...

Matt is going to be here tomorrow... and I am so excited... He is my best friend, and I love spending time with him... I'm happy to know that we have the next month to do whatever our little hearts desire! I know that this set of orders is going to make our marriage even stronger than it already is and I am so excited for Oct. 2012 to be here so we can settle down and be a "normal" family again. I love the military lifestyle and it has been very good to us so far, but I will be happy to be civilians again. I have learned to appreciate my family and friends, and have most definitely learned who really cares... I have learned to appreciate this beautiful country that we live in and all the freedoms that we have... and most of all the work that these men and women serving in the military give up to do their job. I mean, look at us, we're giving up two years together for Matt's service and I feel like we've got it easier than other families.

All in all, life is good... not easy, but very good. I am blessed to be surrounded by people that love me and a husband that is so faithful... let the journey begin!

Hopefully the blogging will get to be more active and I will have a way to vent over the next couple years! :)