Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One more week!

I found out today that I will actually be starting at the hospital next Monday. I have an appointment with Employee Health on Friday to get my TB test and that will be checked first thing Monday morning, then I will fill out my paperwork with Human Resources and go straight to work when that stuff is finished up. I'm really excited to start working again- Matt and I have gone over our finances and figured everything out, I think things are going to work out really good for us. PLUS it'll be nice to have that extra pay check EVERY Friday- we're DEF. not used to that, AT ALL! I can't wait to order from ABC Distributing, go shopping, get Matt's truck running, and so much other stuff that's been on hold for a while! Ah, I'm so excited!

There are a couple other exciting things coming up pretty fast for us, My nephew Tylor flies in on Friday- which we just can't wait for! He's such a good kid... and he's 10 so that's the perfect age to be able to go hiking, camping, fishing, and swimming! I'm hoping we'll get to go over to the beach too, but I dunno what our plans are yet. I start work on Monday, Matt is having surgery next Tues & this should be the FINAL one! They're doing a bone graft from his hip and pinning everything together... once it's healed we shouldn't have any more problems, I can't wait for it to be taken care of. Then my parents are coming up for 4th of July =) The casino that is about 15 minutes away does fireworks and stuff and I saw in the paper today that there's a parade and stuff down town- I think those will both be really fun for us to do with my parents and with Tylor & finally when my parents head back to AZ they are going to be taking Matthew and Ty with them... Matt will be in AZ for 8 days without me. I'm kinda bummed that I don't get to go and that we don't get to have this vacation together like we had planned, but it's much more important to us for me to have this job... and that means no vacay for a year- geesh! lol. I'm really excited that he's going to get to see the fam and go out with everyone tho, even if I can't be there.

Today has actually been a productive day, the house is pretty clean, I went to the Post Office to send out our Fathers Day cards & called the bank and got our 2nd checking account open... I still have to go to the hospital to pick up prescriptions but other than that I'm gonna be lazy... CMA's are on! I loooooove ANY Country Music Awards so I'm really excited to watch them tonight...

This is all for now! XOXOX

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